Rocky's Beer Tax Should Be Next In Crosshairs 21 March 2025

Tas Labor

Labor is flying the flag for local food and beverage producers to be represented at the new Macquarie Point stadium.

If the Liberal minority government want to support businesses and cut red tape, Jeremy Rockliff's ridiculous beer tax should be next.

The Government designed the dumbest, most complicated scheme in Australia. It is pure red tape and everyone knows who eventually pays for red tape - the poor old consumer. Rocky's beer tax will add $6.50 to boxes of beer and cider during a cost of living crisis.

It's hypocritical for the Liberal minority government to be talking about cutting red tape when they're 42 days away from slapping more on.

If Jeremy Rockliff wants to have credibility on red tape, he needs to fix his beer tax before it starts.

Dean Winter MP

Labor Leader

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