Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the appointment of Billy "Eddie" Dixon, Vernon Lewis, Jared White, and Betty Yancey to the Holmes County Housing Authority.
Billy "Eddie" Dixon
Dixon, of Bonifay, is the Director of Client Success for Culpepper Construction. He is the former Holmes County Superintendent of Schools and is a former member of the Florida Association of School Superintendents. Dixon earned his bachelor's and master's degrees from Florida State University.
Vernon Lewis
Lewis, of Bonifay, is a Probation Specialist for the Florida Department of Corrections. He was previously elected as a Holmes County School Board Member. Lewis earned his bachelor's degree from Troy University.
Jared White
White, of Ponce de Leon, is an Air Traffic Controller for the United States Department of Defense. He is a veteran of the United States Air Force. He currently serves as Chair and a Founding Member of the Holmes County Education Foundation.
Betty Yancey
Yancey, of Westville, is currently retired. She was a Lunchroom Manager for the Holmes County School District and has served on the Holmes County Housing Authority since 2006.