Rosebud Memorial Hall Shed Demolition Commences


Work will begin next week to demolish the remains of a brick storage shed at Rosebud Memorial Hall, the first stage of a plan to refurbish this much-loved community facility.

The demolition works will not affect the community's use of the Memorial Hall.

The storage shed was destroyed by fire after a break in in January 2022. The fire destroyed the external doors, roof, eaves and contents of the shed.

Contractors are due to cordon off the area soon, with asbestos removal due to begin shortly after. Demolition will then take place and be finished by the end of June.

Council has $500,000 set aside to upgrade and refurbish the Memorial Hall and we are currently conducting a detailed inspection of the facility to determine what needs to be done. We expect to begin work on the refurbishment within the next financial year.

Quotes attributable to Mayor Councillor Simon Brooks:

"Rosebud Memorial Hall is well used by our community, and we look forward to delivering a refreshed and renewed facility in the near future."

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