From Monday 28 April 2025, the lid on your rubbish bin will be changing from yellow to red.
New state government rules mean everyone in Victoria has to have the same colour bin lids. This will help us all put the right things in the right bin and manage our waste better.
What do I need to do?
From Monday 28 April, leave your rubbish bin out until 6 pm on your collection day. Your bin will be emptied as usual and a second truck will come by to swap your lid. Do this every fortnight until you get your new red lid.
When will the lids get changed?
We have over 60,000 lids to change, so it will take time.
There's no need to let us know if your lid hasn't been changed straight away or if your neighbour's lid has been changed and yours hasn't - we'll get to you.
Contact us only if you have not received your new lid by 1 October.
I forgot to leave my bin out, what do I do?
If you brought your bin in early, there's no need to contact us. Simply leave it out on your next collection day until 6 pm and continue doing this every fortnight until you receive your new red lid.
Will my rubbish collection service change?
Your rubbish bin will be collected as normal whether it has a yellow lid or red lid.
What will happen to the old lids?
The old lids will be recycled into new lids.
Further information
Information about the change and what to do has been sent in the mail to all Knox residents.
Please also refer to our website or call 9298 8000.