Run Army Returns to Brisbane, Townsville for Fundraiser

Run Army is returning to Brisbane and Townsville, and the Queensland Police Service (QPS) is encouraging everyone to get involved to help raise funds for Queensland Police Legacy (QPL).

An important event in the emergency services calendar, Run Army brings community members together to promote fitness and well-being while celebrating the first responders who protect and serve our community.

For QPS members, it's an opportunity to fundraise for QPL, which is a vital not-for-profit organisation dedicated to supporting the families of officers who have lost their lives or are suffering a terminal illness.

Since its foundation in 1971, the QPL has cared for 285 families and 507 dependent children of QPS officers by offering financial support during an already difficult time.

They are currently supporting 58 police families.

QPS Acting Assistant Commissioner Rhys Wildman is participating in this year's event and has seen first-hand the important difference QPL makes to the lives of QPS families.

"As we recently saw in the Tropical Cyclone Alfred response, emergency services personnel do an incredible job assisting our communities in all manner of ways, and Run Army provides a wonderful opportunity to give back to our first responders," Assistant Commissioner Rhys Wildman said.

"Through my 37 years of policing, I have dealt with many families supported by Queensland Police Legacy and seen first-hand the benefits these funds provide.

"Seeing those children grow up and complete their education and then for some to go on and join the QPS to give back to the community, I couldn't be prouder.

"For QPS officers, it's comforting to know that thanks to Queensland Police Legacy, their families will be looked after and supported if the worst happens and that's why every donation makes a big difference."

This year's Run Army is set to take place in Brisbane on March 30 and in Townsville on April 6 with a 5km or 10km fun run or walk, and a virtual event for those unable to participate in person.

No matter how you choose to get involved, be it walking, running, or donating, you are directly playing a key role in supporting Queensland Police Legacy and supporting those who protect and serve the Queensland community.

To find out more about Police Legacy and the important work they do, visit

To find out more about Run Army, enter the event or to make a donation, visit

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