The solution to a devastating disease affecting Australian flora could be growing in a Jimboomba backyard.
A native guava tree (Rhodomytrus psidioides) that appears to be resistant to the invasive myrtle rust was recently found on a property that is part of Logan City Council's Land for Wildlife program.
The fast-spreading fungal disease has been observed on species of the Myrtaceae family including eucalyptus, lilly pilly, tea trees and bottle brushes.
The disease was detected in Australia in 2010 and now impacts more than 400 different types of plants by making them incapable of producing seeds, fruit or new growth.
The once-common native guava has been so severely impacted by myrtle rust that it is listed as 'Critically Endangered' by Queensland's Department of Environment and Science.
Council is now working with the Jimboomba landowner and experts from University of Queensland and the Queensland Government to determine if this particular plant is resistant to myrtle rust.
Genetic testing is being done and saplings propagated from seed and cuttings as part of rigorous research that hopes to find a breakthrough in the battle against myrtle rust.
The exciting discovery comes ahead of National Tree Day on Sunday, July 30.
A number of events are planned across the region, including a free community tree-planting event at Crestmead Park.
Environment Chair Cr Jon Raven said the hope offered by researching the native guava in Jimboomba highlights the diversity and importance of the city's award-winning green canopy.
"There's still heaps of research to be done, but this scientific discovery highlights why it's so important to have our community involved in exploring and protecting the environment, especially in their own backyard," Cr Raven said.
"Sunday's National Tree Day event in Crestmead is a great opportunity for locals to play an active role in enhancing our natural environment by getting their hands dirty and planting some trees for future generations."
The native guava tree research not the first time Council has worked to save an endangered species.
The native gossia gonoclada was thought to be extinct until a healthy, flowering bush was found growing adjacent to the Albert River.
Council developed the 'Gossia gonoclada Recovery Plan 2019-2029' to help preserve and propagate the endangered plant, which has now been planted out in some Council parks and reserves.
The free community planting event to mark National Tree Day on Sunday, is at Crestmead Park in Gimlet Street from 8am to 10am.
Participants should wear closed footwear and bring along sun protection and drinking water. Plants, equipment and a sausage sizzle will be provided.
Registrations are not required. Further information can be found on the Logan City Council website.