South Australia's growth in private sector house approvals, since the release of the Malinauskas Government's Housing Roadmap in June 2024, is leading the nation.
Today, the ABS released Building Approvals data for November 2024, which showed that since the release of the Housing Roadmap, monthly private sector house approvals have increased by over 14 per cent, in seasonally adjusted terms.
This is the strongest growth in the nation and ahead of the national rate, where monthly approvals have fallen by 1.1 per cent over this period.
Since June, SA Water has confirmed the availability of water and sewer services to more than 2800 new allotments across the state through a total of 80 Development Agreement Formal Instruments (DAFIs).
This expansion of the delivery of new homes has been underpinned by the commencement of key Housing Roadmap initiatives, including the first pipes being installed as part of the $1.5 billion investment to expand the water and sewer network.
As put by Stephen Mullighan
The Malinauskas Government recognises the importance of delivering more housing, which is why we delivered the Housing Roadmap in June last year.
The Housing Roadmap is the key to delivering far more houses for South Australians.
This data shows that the Housing Roadmap is beginning to have a positive impact on the industry's ability to deliver more housing.
As put by Nick Champion
This Government is getting on with the important job of building more homes for South Australians.
Since the Housing Roadmap, almost 2000 metres of water pipes have already been laid to enable more houses to be built in greenfield growth areas.
South Australia has the most efficient planning system in Australia but we are implementing initiatives from the Housing Roadmap to make it even faster so we can increase the supply of new homes in this state.