SA Teams Mobilize for Cyclone Alfred Relief Efforts

SA Gov

The largest single South Australian storm and flood deployment in more than a decade is travelling to Queensland this morning, ready to assist with the ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred response.

The 53-member deployment – comprising 31 SES, 19 CFS and 3 MFS emergency services personnel – will provide vital support as the full impact of the cyclone hits South East Queensland communities.

The group is the biggest deployment of its kind interstate since 2011 following Cyclone Yasi, in North Queensland.

Local crews will land in Brisbane before responding to affected areas across the state – with flash flooding, heavy rainfall and destructive winds continuing to pose a significant risk.

The week-long rotation follows a request made through the National Resource Sharing Centre, as part of a multi-agency approach – led by the SES – to support the east coast, including in northern New South Wales.

It replaces the initial 17-member deployment due to depart Adelaide today, reflecting the evolving requirements of response and recovery efforts across the border.

South Australia has repeatedly demonstrated its willingness to help interstate colleagues and residents in their time of need – with nearly 100 volunteers and staff returning home in recent weeks after providing crisis support around the nation.

As put by Emily Bourke

When the request comes through, South Australia steps up to help – and this is the biggest deployment of crews we've seen in years, reflecting the response needed.

For volunteers spending time away from their family and friends, pausing their day-to-day jobs and putting the safety of others ahead of their own – this time interstate – we are truly grateful for your service.

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