The health and safety of working Canberrans will be strengthened by a mid-year budget funding boost for WorkSafe ACT.
The commitment will support the establishment of the new, independent Worksafe ACT with an increase of inspectors and staff at the work health and safety regulator.
Minister for Employment and Workplace Safety, Suzanne Orr, said the funding increase was part of the Government's commitment to strengthening work health and safety across the Territory.
"Safety is everyone's responsibility and we must work together to create a strong safety culture so all workers can return home safe at the end of the day.
"This funding boost will ensure Worksafe ACT can provide more inspectors, compliance activity, education programs and support staff to keep Canberra workers safe."
"These extra resources will see the new Worksafe ACT in the strongest position ever to monitor and enforce compliance with WHS legislation and regulations," Minister Orr said.
The Government committed to establishing an independent regulator after the 2018 independent review into WorkSafe ACT and this investment will deliver on the recommendations of the report and the commitment made to working Canberrans.
Funding of $8.7 million over four years, including $744,000 in 2019-20 will enhance WorkSafe ACT's ability to effectively respond to Canberra's growing workforce with the capacity to hire more inspectors, increase regulatory support staff including data analysts and communication specialists, as well as financial, human resources, governance support, and additional support for the already existing psychosocial health officer.
Staffing will gradually increase to 12 additional full-time equivalent staff from 2020-21.
The new, independent WorkSafe ACT will be led by a new WHS Commissioner who will be appointed after a selection process is completed in the coming months.