Sailors Uplift Spirits With Infectious Positivity

Department of Defence

The sands of Al Minhad Air Base are far from the comforts of a Royal Australian Navy frigate.

But two sailors on a six-month deployment have bonded over daily banter and creative memes, infecting others with their positivity and humour.

Leading Seaman Victoria Pipino and Able Seaman Lucy Cowan donned the green uniform and began their deployment to Operation Accordion, the ADF's support mission for activities in the Middle East region, in June last year.

The sailors did not let the restriction of a six-day working week and being based on a partner nation's airfield get in the way of a good time.

Both were experiencing the joint environment for the first time, but were able to support and relate to each other as they faced similar challenges as 'sailors in the sand'.

The deployment allowed Able Seaman Cowan to combine new friends with old, as she crossed paths with her best mate from a previous posting to Bahrain in support of Operation Manitou.

"I could never have imagined we would both be catching up after serving together in Bahrain," Able Seaman Cowan said.

"It was a really nice way for us both to break up a long deployment."

Meanwhile, Leading Seaman Pipino decided she would take up running and participated in the 10km race during the Dubai Marathon.

"I have never been a runner and fell into some cult called Parkrun," Leading Seaman Pipino said.

"I have always been more of a swimmer, but there is no pool and you can't swim in the sand."

When asking deployed personnel what they miss most about being home, some answers come as a surprise.

Leading Seaman Pipino said she really missed salami.

"Me and the girls in my accommodation block tried really hard to get some soft cheeses and cold meats for a charcuterie board, but it's not really a thing in the UAE," Leading Seaman Pipino said.

On return from deployment, Leading Seaman Pipino will be promoted to Petty Officer and has set herself a goal of running a half marathon in her home town of Wollongong.

She will miss her Friday evening catch-ups with Able Seaman Cowan at the Cheesecake Factory - a brief respite from base life.

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