Building safe communities starts with keeping our youth out of the criminal justice system. Police services and non-profit organizations across Canada are at the forefront of innovations that divert vulnerable youth away from a life of crime. That is why the Department of Justice is proud to collaborate with the Canadian Police Association (CPA) and the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) in awarding the Minister of Justice National Youth Justice Policing Award for 2023.
Yesterday evening at the CACP biennial conference, Constable Jessica Bonneville of the Saint-Eustache Police Service in Quebec was presented with the award for her leadership in the Toucher le sommet project. The prize recognizes her innovative and creative ways of dealing with youth in contact with the criminal justice system.
The Toucher le sommet project is a collaborative effort between the Saint-Eustache Police Service and non-profit organization Persévérons ensemble. Each year, the Saint-Eustache Police Service trains a group of local high school students, who face a variety of challenges, to teach them civic duty, build trust with law enforcement, and dissuade criminal behaviour. The project focuses on the rehabilitation and reintegration of youth who have been found guilty of a criminal offence. It has succeeded in reducing reoffending and keeping the community safe, while teaching participants skills that will help them manage their lives and fostering perseverance towards a goal. The project culminates in a climb to the summit of Mont-Tremblant, where youth and officers alike can demonstrate how they have grown and persevered through challenges.
As this year's winner, the Saint-Eustache Police Service will receive $10,000 from the Youth Justice Fund to support its work with Toucher le sommet. The Department of Justice is proud to support the innovative work being done by its partners and congratulates this year's winner.