Sandbag Sites to Close Tonight

Sunshine Coast Council

SES sandbagging locations will remain open for self-service until 7.30pm tonight.

Sandbag locations will not re-open on the weekend.

Depots and locations offering sandbags:

  • Caloundra SES Depot: Ulm Street South, Caloundra
  • Caloundra Rugby Union Football Club (Lighthouse Park): 81 Arthur Street, Caloundra
  • Caloundra Indoor Sports Stadium carpark, North St, Golden Beach
  • Maroochydore-Hinterland Lawn Bowls Club: Corner of Elizabeth Daniels Way and Syd Lingard Drive, Buderim
  • Coolum Cricket Club car park: Ron Cargill Oval Coolum Sports Complex, Coolum Beach
  • Beerwah SES Depot: 22 Beerwah Pde, Beerwah
  • Nambour Showgrounds - Coronation Ave, Nambour
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