Sandringham Leisure Centre Pool Closing for Repairs 26 March

From Monday 7 April, the Sandringham Family Leisure Centre pool will be closed for essential repairs for 18 weeks.

We have identified some corrosion on the pool hall's steel structure, which requires repair. While the pool is drained and closed, we're also upgrading the pool deck flooring and improving the pool filtration systems.

We're working closely with pool operator, BlueFit, and supporting them through this disruption.

All other businesses and community facilities at the Sandringham Family Leisure Centre, including the carpark, Sandringham Sports Physio, Goodlife Health Club and basketball stadiums will remain open throughout these works.

The Sandringham Family Leisure Centre pool was built in 1978 and has been enjoyed by generations of community members. These works will protect the pool structure into the future.

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