NSWHealth is urging parents and carers to ensure children are vaccinated on timeand has warned vaccinations shouldn't be delayed even if a child has a minorillness.
DrJeremy McAnulty, Executive Director, Health Protection NSW encouraged parentsand carers to download the Save the Date to Vaccinate app to ensure theirchildren receive vital vaccinations in time for the start of school.
"On-timevaccinations are the most effective way to protect children fromlife-threatening diseases," Dr McAnulty said.
"Thefree Save the Date to Vaccinate app reminds parents and carers whatvaccinations their child needs and when they're due, in line with the NSWImmunisation Schedule.
"Ifa child has a runny nose or slight cold, they can still get vaccinated. Delayingvaccinations can leave children exposed to serious illnesses at a time whenthey're most vulnerable."
Dr McAnulty said the recent measlesoutbreak in Samoa, which has killed at least 83 people, is a salient reminderof just how dangerous vaccine preventable disease can be when immunisationsrates are low.
Mother of two Lisa Smith, from Sydney's north, saidthe Save the Date toVaccinate app is a helpful reminder in a hectic schedule.
"I never missed a vaccination with my first childbut once I had my second child, I found it hard to stay on top of the key datesas I was just so busy with work and looking after two children," Ms Smith said.
"The Save The Dateto Vaccinate app sendsautomatic reminders to my phone, it's made it so much easier to scheduleimmunisation appointments, not forget them and have a record to hand of all thevaccinations my children have received."
On-timevaccination and overall participation in childhood immunisation programscontinues to improve in NSW, with 94.5 per cent of children fully vaccinated byfive years of age in the past 12 months compared with 90.8 per cent in 2012.
Protectingchildren from potentially deadly diseases is a key priority for the NSWGovernment, which has invested approximately $130 million in the 2019-20Immunisation Program budget, including Commonwealth and state vaccines.
Youcan download the free Save The Date To Vaccinate app here.
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