Scam Alert: Fake ASIC Demands for Payment


Key points

  • Scammers are impersonating ASIC by sending emails and texts requesting that recipients provide a payment to enable funds or assets to be released
  • ASIC does not collect payments to enable the release of funds or assets
  • If in doubt, call ASIC to verify that the communication you received is legitimate
  • ASIC does not provide guarantees of funds or assets release
  • ASIC does not provide payments into a digital asset exchange

Consumers have received emails and phone calls from scammers purporting to be from ASIC, asking them to provide a payment to enable funds or assets to be released.

ASIC is aware of a recent example where requests were made for payments in US dollars to release an investor's funds. Offers such as these are recovery scams.

ASIC does not collect payments to enable the release of funds or assets.

ASIC will never ask for a payment in any currency to enable funds or assets to be released.

ASIC will also not require or accept payments in digital or crypto assets (including stablecoins), whether that is to or from your crypto asset wallet or to an account at a digital asset exchange.

ASIC is Australia's financial services regulator - it does not allow the reproduction or use of its logo by a third party entity or guarantee any of its services.

Before investing, always check to see if an organisation is licensed by ASIC to provide financial services on the ASIC Professional Registers.

If you receive unsolicited contact claiming to be ASIC or an employee of ASIC, always confirm you are dealing legitimately with ASIC by hanging up the call and calling back on the number listed on the ASIC website.

ASIC will always include a contact in its communications with you, so you can verify the legitimacy of an ASIC-branded notification. You can also call us on 1300 935 075 from within Australia, and +61 1300 935 075 from overseas to verify the legitimacy of the communication.

/Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.