Schneider Electric Unveils APC Back-UPS Pro Gaming in Australia

Schneider Electric
  • APC Back-UPS Pro Gaming keeps gamers protected, connected and in the game, protecting gaming gear against harmful power irregularities.
  • Ensures protection from power disruptions and continuous connectivity for routers/modems.
  • Recognised with iF Design award, it features patented Reactor Circle and stable voltage for enhanced gaming performance.

Sydney, Australia- Schneider Electric, a leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, has launched its first uninterruptible power supply (UPS) designed specifically for gamers.

Catering to the unique gaming requirements of e-sport players and gamers, Schneider Electric has introduced its first APC Back-UPS Pro Gaming, which delivers uninterrupted power protection as well as ensuring gamers can enjoy continuous gaming experiences in spite of unpredictable power issues.

The gaming community in Australia is thriving, and gamers are looking for an unparalleled gaming experience to keep leveling up. According to the Interactive Games & Entertainment Association, 91 per cent of Australian households currently own at least one video game console.

"The APC Back-UPS Pro Gaming provides gamers with a reliable solution to ensure their high-performance gaming equipment is not affected by power interruptions whilst gaming. The advanced features of the device offer both performance and reliability, making it an ideal choice for those gaming online as well as people working from home," said Joe Craparotta, Vice President, IT Business, Pacific Zone at Schneider Electric.

By incorporating the APC Back-UPS Pro Gaming into gaming setups, gamers can enjoy a worry-free gaming experience:

  • Protected: the gaming battery backup protects valuable gaming systems from different power disruptions and damage.
  • Connected: once the gaming system has been properly shut down, the UPS continues to supply power to routers and/or modems, ensuring that equipment remains connected.
  • In the game: in the event of an interruption or loss of power during gameplay, the backup power supply gives players enough time to save their progress or complete the game, preventing dropped games and resulting penalties.

The APC Back-UPS Pro Gaming was recognised with a prestigious iF Design award and is available in both black and white and features a patented Reactor Circle. When the device is in power mode, the circular LED ring indicates the backup power supply's remaining runtime and power level. The sine wave power ensures a stable and high-quality voltage for gaming professionals at critical moments, maintaining a continuous gaming experience.

The APC Back-UPS Pro Gaming also boasts efficient power capacity with an output of up to 2200VA / 1320W, allowing gamers to immerse themselves in high-performance games and enjoy exceptional gaming performance.

"Designed to secure existing equipment, this system is not about the short-term, it's about securing your equipment life in the long run. This can help a PC or console withstand the test of time. This device is not only functional, it is also designed to be a showpiece in every home office and gaming setup," concludes Craparotta.

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