Scholarships Boost Women Leaders

The Institute of Community Directors Australia (ICDA)

Women leaders in Victoria have the chance to win one of 50 government-funded scholarships to gain formal qualifications as community directors.

The Office of Women Victoria is sponsoring the places for candidates to undertake the acclaimed Diploma of Governance through the Institute of Community Directors Australia (ICDA).

Applications are open now until March 15.

And following a huge demand from the community sector in 2022 for the inaugural round, the Victorian Government has doubled the number of 2023 scholarships, each worth $4500.

The intake is part of the government's agenda to encourage women leaders by:

  • promoting more women into leadership and decision-making roles
  • increasing the diversity and representation of women on boards
  • recognising the achievements of Victorian women.

The governance scholarship will provide governance training and networking to help women to advance their board careers, with an eye to the not-for-profit sector.

Victoria's minister for both women and education, Natalie Hutchins, said the initiative would support more women into leadership.

The scholarships were available to women across the state under the Women's Board Leadership Program and would help participants gain positions on community and government boards.

"Women not only have the capacity, drive and potential for roles on community and government boards – but also bring experiences, expertise, and unique personalities to the organisations and corporations they work in," Ms Hutchins said.

ICDA general manager Adele Stowe-Lindner said the initiative fit neatly with the education provider's mission.

"We want to boost the reputation, profile and skills of community leaders and encourage a stronger, more inclusive, and diverse pool of talent in the sector. These fully funded scholarships will make this possible."

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