School Zone Speed Limits Back In Play Across Wide Bay

As students within the Wide Bay Burnett district return to school today, the school zone speed limits also return.

Police across the district, from Gympie to Bundaberg, will be increasing high visibility patrols in areas around schools this week, focusing on both enforcement and education, to facilitate a safe return to school.

Wide Bay Burnett District Officer Superintendent Anne Vogler said police take a zero-tolerance approach to speeding.

"This is your reminder of reduced speed limits around schools during drop off and pick up times. That's generally 7-9am and 2-4pm, but times can vary so always read the sign," Superintendent Vogler said.

"School zones can be unpredictable with cars coming and going and pedestrians, particularly young children, walking or riding to school.

"I urge you to slow down, pay extra attention and drive with caution and patience.

"I also encourage you to speak to your children about road safety, including safe ways to cross the road."

The return to school period also marks the closure of Operation Mistletoe this week which is a road safety operation focused on reducing the lives lost on Queensland roads over the school holidays.

Despite strong police action throughout Operation Mistletoe and beyond, Queensland is experiencing the deadliest start to a year on our roads since 2020.

In just under one month, we have tragically lost 23 lives on Queensland roads with five of those lives lost on roads within the Wide Bay Burnett district.

Superintendent Vogler said this trajectory cannot continue.

"I'm pleading with every road user to take care and make the right choices, because every decision you make on the road has the power to save a life or take one.

"Beyond Operation Mistletoe, police will continue high visibility traffic enforcement across our community targeting the proven causes of traffic crashes including speed, impaired driving, fatigue, seat belt use, driver distraction and vehicle safety standards.

"We will continue education and enforcement but it's up to you to take road safety into your own hands for the sake of your own life, and the lives of those around you.

"I wish all the students returning to school a happy and safe start to the year."

If you have information for police, contact Policelink by providing information using the online suspicious activity form 24hrs per day at

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