From 24 November 2023, around 8,000 school leavers are expected to arrive in Byron Bay to celebrate the end of high school.
"We congratulate young people that have finished their schooling and understand that this is such an exciting time for them," Byron Shire Mayor, Michael Lyon, said.
"It's always a busy time of the year for the region and we welcome everyone as always and encourage our Schoolies to enjoy themselves, but to celebrate responsibly.
"Certainly, enjoy the nightlife, but also take it easy and look after one another, so that you can enjoy the many other things our region has to offer, like the beautiful beaches, lighthouse walk, markets and shops around the region," he said.
While Schoolies in Byron Bay is not an organised event, Council is supporting NSW Police and other community organisations such as Red Frogs to provide services to keep young school leavers safe.
"Our local Police are prepared for the many school leavers, and their aim will be to make sure that everyone stays safe while having a good time," Mayor Lyon said.
"We also provide funding to Red Frogs to support their Schoolies Week program. Last year they recorded around 13,000 interactions with Schoolies in the Byron Shire, helping them when they needed assistance of first aid and other support," he said.
Council also funds Byron Youth Service's Street Cruise program which is aimed at reducing harm and connecting teenagers with information and services. This program runs throughout the year, including over the Schoolies period.
Much of Byron Bay's CBD is an alcohol-free zone and Council and Police enforce these zones year-round, including during Schoolies Week.
"I hope all the teenagers who come to Byron Bay go home with fond memories of a wonderful time," Mayor Lyon said.
"I do ask everyone to please respect our town, our residents, businesses and our natural environment while you are here," he said.