Schoolies Week 2020 - Cooloola Coast

Rangers, police and ambulance officers are preparing for a busy period on the Cooloola Coast

Rangers, police and ambulance officers are preparing for a busy period on the Cooloola Coast

Visitors to the Cooloola Coast can expect an increased police and ranger presence around camp sites and beaches over the next week with the region expected to be a popular destination for school leavers during Schoolies Week 2020.

Police will be conducting land and water patrols from Inskip Point to Rainbow Beach, right down to Teewah Beach ensuring all school leavers remain safe whilst enjoying their end of year celebrations which commence November 20.

Inspector Pat Swindells from the Gympie Patrol Group said one of the main focuses for police will be to monitor the driving behaviour of young people on the beaches.

"We've had a number of recent tragedies where four-wheel-drive vehicles have been travelling at excessive speeds, resulting in the loss of lives," Inspector Swindells said.

"The last thing we want to have to do is tell any parent that their child will not be returning home from Schoolies," he said.

"Police are asking young people look out for their mates, and not let them get behind the wheel after drinking, as we will be out enforcing safe driving practices."

Queensland Police in conjunction with Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service rangers will be conducting compliance checks and are reminding visitors that they will need to display the required permits.

Acting Principal Ranger Nick Smith said rangers would also be educating school leavers about responsible behaviour in National Parks.

"Most visitors to our national parks and recreation areas do the right thing, but rangers can issue fines for not having the necessary permits and for environmental and socially inappropriate behaviour."

"It is an offence in recreation areas to remove branches from trees or collect fallen branches for firewood in Queensland national parks, and people can be issued with a Penalty Infringement Notice (PIN).

"As it is bushfire season, it is absolutely essential to make sure campfires are kept under control and are never abandoned.

"People should always use water and not sand to extinguish a campfire, as the coals can smoulder beneath the sand.

Police will also be targeting underage drinking and drug taking.

"I acknowledge it's been a tough year for students, and while we want them to have a good time during Schoolies Week we cannot tolerate anti-social behaviour," Inspector Swindells said.

"Police will be educating young people in terms of any large, unplanned gatherings which are not registered or in compliance with the Chief Health Officer's COVID-19 directions.

"We hope all school leavers have an enjoyable visit and remain respectful to other campers as well as the local environment."

If you have information for police, contact Policelink on 131 444 or provide information using the online form 24hrs per day.

You can report information about crime anonymously to Crime Stoppers, a registered charity and community volunteer organisation, by calling 1800 333 000 or via 24hrs per day.

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