School's Back For Crossing Supervisors

Horsham Rural City Council is reminding motorists to take extra care and observe road rules around school crossings as school resumes this week.

Mayor Ian Ross said Council was committed to ensuring the safety of children in and around local schools.

"Be alert, take your time, drive safely and drive within the speed limits, especially around school crossings," he said.

"Remember that the speed limit around schools and kindergartens is 40 kilometres per hour," Cr Ross said.

"With a little extra congestion, it might be worth leaving home five minutes earlier. The biggest concern is ensuring that the return to school is a happy and safe time for our children and motorists."


  • Stop if a child or adult is about to cross or is crossing, even if there is no crossing supervisor
  • Stop if a hand held "Stop" sign is displayed
  • Only proceed when all children and adults, including the supervisor, are clear of the crossing
  • Approach at a speed slow enough to stop safely, if necessary
  • Do not overtake a vehicle stopping or stopped at the crossing.
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