Fifteen Western Australian schools will share more than $39,000 for projects that reduce waste dumped at landfill.
Coinciding with World Earth Day today, Environment Minister Stephen Dawson has announced the funding package to be used for a range of sustainable waste projects at schools - from recycling bins to improving waste sorting to composting and worm farms.
More than 120,000 children attended the 505 accredited Waste Wise Schools across WA in 2019.
The Waste Wise Schools program is funded by the State Government through the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Account, administered by the Waste Authority.
The program delivers educational resources and provides support to help schools avoid waste generation and encourage diversion of waste from landfill.
Applications for the next Waste Wise Schools grants funding round will open on Tuesday May 5 and close on Tuesday July 28, 2020 at 12pm.
For more information on the Waste Wise Schools program, please visit
As stated by Environment Minister Stephen Dawson:
"The McGowan Government is committed to reducing waste and has set a target of recovering 75 per cent of waste generated across the State by 2030.
"Waste Wise Schools teaches our next generation about the importance of waste avoidance, recycling and sustainability.
"These opportunities remain available to teachers and students through online learning provided by Waste Wise Schools in response to the disruption caused to normal school arrangements by COVID-19.
"The program is part of a wider range of strategic waste reforms which shape how Western Australia will meet its target and move closer to becoming a more circular economy."
The following schools have received grants:
Bambara Primary School - $2,169.29 to reduce waste production by setting up comingled recycle bins, compost bins and a worm farm to process food waste. They will also increase the awareness of waste reduction in the community by holding 'Waste Free Wednesdays' at the school.
Davallia Primary School - $990 to improve their recycling program by purchasing an assortment of recycling bins. This year they will include 'soft plastics' in their recycling program.
Hale School - $1,833 to build on their existing composts and worm farms which process fruit and vegetable scraps and purchase Bokashi bins for other food scraps; collection bins for paper recycling (partly for composting worms and partly for recycling); and garden beds for students in the Lower Junior Centre to build a sense of ownership and understanding of growing their own food.
Immaculate Heart College - $2,055 to purchase appropriate bins for collection of plastic to be reprocessed and reduce the amount of plastic they send to landfill.
Mundijong Primary School - $2,200 to purchase and set up worm farms in order to process the school's fruit and vegetable scraps currently sent to landfill. They will also purchase soil to boost existing garden beds.
North Beach Primary School - $8,781.50 for students to design a recycling headquarters and set up wicking beds and sub pods. These will be set up to supply the canteen with fresh produce.
Oakwood Primary School - $2,171.76 to develop a highly structured recycling system throughout the school. Composting and paper recycling will be the main focus areas with student leadership opportunities at the forefront.
O'Connor Education Support Centre - $801.70 to purchase the necessary infrastructure to process fruit and vegetable scraps from students and staff.
St Anthony's School (Wanneroo) - $971.53 to purchase bins to streamline their waste sorting process; and compost and worm farm infrastructure with the aim of 'closing the loop' on organic recycling; re-useable cutlery, plates and cups will also be purchased in an effort to avoid single use plastics.
St Elizabeth's Catholic Primary School - $1,998.76 to purchase and set up worm farm and compost systems to reduce fruit and vegetable scraps destined for landfill.
St Luke's Catholic Primary School - $8,782.30 to purchase a wood chipper in order to keep and process green waste on site. The school will also establish an outdoor learning area with a shed structure where students can carry out waste wise lessons.
St Matthews School - $1,706.86 to establish compost infrastructure and worm tubes in garden beds, to close the loop on organic recycling in the school.
Two Rocks Primary School - $916.40 to streamline the collection of fruit and vegetable scraps and set up composting.
Useless Loop Primary School - $1,600 to reduce their environmental footprint by closing the loop on organic recycling through worm farming and raising chickens.
Yidarra Catholic Primary School - $2,173.60 to set up worm farms to reduce the amount of organics (fruit and vegetable scraps) sent to landfill. They will also purchase new paper recycling bins.