The second round of WasteSorted Schools grant funding for 2022 is now open for applications.
WasteSorted Schools is a free State Government program administered by the Waste Authority, and funded through a levy on waste to landfill as part of the State's Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030.
It provides resources and support for schools to implement projects such as recycling, composting and worm farming.
Round one grants, announced in May 2022, provided $109,000 to 32 schools for projects including infrastructure for waste sorting, recycling, composting and closing the loop on organic recycling, waste education, and behaviour change initiatives at school.
In early 2022, the program was revamped to provide streamlined eligibility criteria and a simpler application process to encourage more schools to reduce their waste.
All accredited Western Australian schools are eligible to apply for a grant of up to $5500.
More information can be found at the Applications close at 12pm on August 30, 2022.
As stated by Environment Minister Reece Whitby:
"The WasteSorted Schools program supports activities that provide meaningful, hands-on learning experiences linked to the Western Australian Curriculum.
"By teaching children the importance of waste avoidance, recycling and sustainability in schools, we can create a generation for which good environmental practices will be automatic and simply a part of their everyday lives.
"I encourage schools to apply for this next round of funding, to make a commitment to recycling and recovery, and to do their part in protecting Western Australia"