Courtesy of LLNL
LLNL scientists Derek Mariscal and Dave Schlossberg will be joined on March 16 by Granada High School teacher Tom Shefler at the State Theatre in Modesto, California for "Science at the State," a science education program pairing prominent LLNL scientists with popular films. Attendance is free for students and $5 for all others.
Featuring scenes filmed at the National Ignition Facility, "Star Trek Into Darkness" is an ideal film to pair with a scientific talk. Mariscal and Schlossberg will provide an overview of fusion science, noting how experiments, simulations and machine learning help us understand highly complex physical phenomena.
Doors open at 1:30 p.m., the talk begins at 2 p.m. and "Star Trek Into Darkness" will play at 3:15 p.m.
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