Science In Seconds: Freeze Frame

Wolfgang Peti, PhD, professor of molecular biology and biophysics, shows us how cryo-EM works and how it can help speed up drug design and ultimately patient care

Wolfgang Peti, PhD, professor of molecular biology and biophysics, shows us how cryo-EM works and how it can help speed up drug design and ultimately patient care ()

Conn Health is now home to a cryo electron microscope (cryo-EM). The advanced imaging system uses a beam of electrons to image frozen biological samples. The images are then used to create a 3D model revealing the hidden structures of proteins, viruses and cells with unprecedented clarity and detail.

In this Science in Seconds segment, Wolfgang Peti, PhD, professor of molecular biology and biophysics, shows us how cryo-EM works and how it can help speed up drug design and ultimately patient care.

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