UK Gov
Fishers are being reminded that December 16 2024 marks the start of new regulations covering key species in English waters.
The regulations were introduced via a Statutory Instrument in October as part of implementation of a number of Fisheries Management Plans (FMPs) developed with stakeholders since the UK became an independent coastal state.
The new management measures relate to the Channel demersal non-quota species Fisheries Management Plan (FMP), Southern North Sea and Eastern Channel mixed flatfish FMP, Crab and lobster FMP, and the Bass FMP.
In summary, the amended regulations are:
- Vessels using flyseining gear within the English zone of ICES areas 7d and 7e must use a minimum mesh size of 100mm.
- Vessels using flyseining gear that have an engine power greater than 221kw are not permitted to fish within 12nm of the English coast within ICES areas 7d and 7e
- Bass catch limits will be managed through fishing vessel licence variations. The MMO is preparing the reissue of bass authorisation letters amending references to legislation. There will be no immediate changes to landings limits as these will apply for the rest of 2024. We await the outcomes of the UK/EU annual negotiations for 2025 fishing year.
- Minimum conservation reference sizes (MCRS) are being introduced for lemon sole (25cm), turbot (30cm) and brill (30cm), in English waters of the Channel Sea within ICES areas 7d and 7e.
- The MCRS for crawfish has increased from 95mm to 110mm and is applicable in all English waters.
Flyseining restrictions
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Frequently Asked Questions
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