Sea Horses Released Into Botany Bay: Bayside

Earlier today over 200 juvenile White Seahorses, listed as the second most endangered species in the world, were released into Botany Bay from Brighton-Le-Sands.

The Minister for Environment, the Hon. Tanya Plibersek, the Hon. Matt Thistlethwaite MP, Member for Kingsford Smith, Bayside Mayor Bill Saravinovski and Bayside Councillors attended the event which was a first for Bayside.

White Seahorses, primarily found along Australia's east coast, are at risk due to habitat loss and degradation.

The release of these White Seahorses into Botany Bay is part of a recovery conservation project in collaboration with the Sydney Institute of Marine Science (SIMS) and the Gamay Rangers.

The SIMS Sydney Seahorse Project, in partnership with the NSW Department of Primary Industries, is breeding and reintroducing hundreds of these seahorses into Sydney's bays and harbours.

The release in Gamay (Botany Bay) was planned in collaboration with local traditional owners, the Gamay Rangers who will continue to monitor the seahorses.

Mayor Saravinovski said:

"This is an incredible conservation initiative, and we look forward to seeing these little seahorses thrive in Botany Bay," Mayor Bill Saravinovski said.

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