US Navy
Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Carlos Del Toro visited Minuteman Technical Institute in Lexington, Mass. Dec. 8, 2023.
Secretary Del Toro toured facilities and talked to high school and continuing education students about service as a fundamental aspect of our democracy and a core value that has defined our nation.
"I want to inspire these young women and men to follow their passions, whatever it is that they want to study," said Secretary Del Toro. "I would love them to consider the military possibility, Navy and Marine Corps in particular, but these students can be the best leaders they can be in whatever profession they desire."
During his visit, Acting Principal Kathleen Bouchard, faculty members, and students gave a tour of several facilities including laboratories for culinary arts, machining, welding, manufacturing, and robotics.
At the conclusion of the tour, Secretary Del Toro addressed the students and faculty in the auditorium. Students were able to ask questions about military service, education, engineering, and other topics.
"I started my entire career sitting in a similar auditorium in Jamaica, New York at the Thomas A. Edison Career and Technical Education High School - a vocational school that I had to apply for just like all of you had to do here at Minuteman." said Secretary Del Toro. "For me, it was just the beginning, and I didn't know back then, but it was going to be the beginning of this amazing journey."
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