Security Minister Joins Wales Counter-Terror Drill

UK Gov

Meeting emergency responders at a counter-terrorism training exercise in Wales, the Security Minister praised their collaboration to keep the public safe.

The Security Minister re-emphasised the need for close working between national and devolved emergency services and responders to minimise the impact of a terrorist attack in Wales, during a visit to Swansea to observe a multi-agency counter-terrorism exercise on Wednesday (26 April).

At the exercise at Stadium, he was able to watch emergency responders in Wales, including the police, fire and rescue, ambulance and other responder organisations, test their preparedness for a large-scale attack and ensure they work effectively together to keep the public safe.

Thanking all those taking part in the exercise for their unwavering commitment to protecting the public, the Security Minister gave a speech to participants, to say that responding to an incident with mass fatalities successfully depends on trust, close working and collaboration between multiple agencies.

Security Minister Dan Jarvis said:

It was an immense privilege to witness the dedicated work of the emergency services and responder organisations and their unwavering commitment to keeping the people of Wales safe.

National security is the foundation of our Plan for Change. This essential training ensures we are prepared for every eventuality and in the best position to save lives and protect our communities.

It comes after the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill completed its final parliamentary stage this week ahead of Royal Assent. This new legislation will ensure venues across the UK - which will include premises such as sports stadiums - consider the security of the public and take steps to protect them from harm.

The new law is better known as Martyn's Law in memory of Martyn Hett, who tragically lost his life alongside 21 others in the 2017 Manchester Arena terrorist attack.

Wednesday's exercise also sought to test the stadium's internal contingency response plans. Under the Bill, qualifying premises like Stadium will be required to plan how best to respond to a terrorist attack.

The exercise was part of a routine training exercise between the police, including Counter Terrorism Policing Wales and South Wales Police; and other services, such as the South Wales Fire and Rescue service, health and social care, and the Welsh Government; which work together in partnership to respond to and mitigate the impacts of incidents of this nature.

The various agencies taking part were able to practice the application of the Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP) which are widely acknowledged as critical to the success of a response to an incident and are the adopted principles for multi-agency working across the UK.

The Security Minister also visited the Senedd in Cardiff where he met with the First Minister of Wales to discuss strengthening national security in Wales and remaining prepared for terrorist attacks.

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