Seeking Nominations For Flood Risk Management Committee

Gunnedah Shire Council

Gunnedah Shire Council is calling for two (2) interested community representatives aged 18 years and over to nominate for the Gunnedah Shire Flood Risk Management Committee.

The Flood Risk Management Committee has been developed in direct response to requirements of the NSW Government's Flood Risk Management Manual (2023).

The scope of the Flood Risk Management Committee is to consider strategic matters relating (but not necessarily limited) to the discussion of technical, social, economic and ecological issues and for the distillation of possibility differing viewpoints on these issues. Representatives will also provide strategic advice to Council in relation to floodplain risk management within the Gunnedah Local Government Area.

Nominations will close 5pm Thursday 24 April 2025.

Persons wishing to comment nominate must do so in writing, with submissions addressed to:

General Manager

Gunnedah Shire Council

PO Box 63, GUNNEDAH NSW 2380

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