Five applicants were chosen to receive funding in the Carbon Farming Outreach Program grant round.
The grants will fund trusted advisors to deliver training and advice to Australian farmers and land managers, including First Nations people, to:
- increase their knowledge of greenhouse gas emission management
- make informed decisions to lower emissions and store carbon
- integrate low emissions technologies and practices into their operations.
Grantees will have access to a training package and support to deliver the training across Australia. They will participate in train-the trainer sessions and have access to networking opportunities.
The 5 Carbon Farming Outreach Program grants are:
- Aboriginal Biodiversity Conservation Foundation ($2,031,611)
- Kangaroo Island Landscape Board ($1,720,000) partnering with:
- Alinytjara Wilurara Landscape Board
- South Australian Arid Lands Landscape Board
- Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board
- Northern and Yorke Landscape Board
- Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board
- Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board
- Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board, and
- NRM Regions Australia.
- Dairy Australia ($1,205,257)
- Victorian Department of Energy Environment and Climate Action ($4,371,928) partnering with:
- Agriculture Victoria
- Catchment Management Authorities, and
- Landcare Victoria.
- Grower Group Alliance ($8,171,204) partnering with:
- over 40 national grower and land management groups
- the WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, and
- the University of Tasmania.
The funding will help the agriculture and land sector play its part in Australia's transition to net zero emissions.
The Carbon Farming Outreach Program is part of the Australian Government's response to the review of Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs). The review recommended the Government assist rural and remote communities to realise benefits from the ACCU scheme.