Senior Safety Assessor Recruitment Open

UK Gov

Senior Safety Assessor vacancy, working on authorising veterinary medicines in the UK.

We have a vacancy for a Senior Safety Assessor.

Job Title

Senior Safety Assessor



Salary & Pension

£ 59,900 per annum with Pension Scheme

Annual Leave entitlement

Commencing at 25 days


This exciting and interesting job puts you at the heart of authorising veterinary medicines in the UK. You will be a senior assessor within the Human and Environmental Safety Team, which is part of the VMD's Authorisations Division.

Assessment of data relating to human risk assessments being the primary focus, with the secondary requirement being the assessment of environmental safety.

How to apply

You must make your application via Senior Safety Assessor - Civil Service Jobs - GOV.UK where you will find a full job description.

Closing Date

24 February 2025

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