The Rochester Customer Service Centre and Library is moving back home!
The Service Centre and Library will relocate from the temporary Gillies St location to the permanent Mackay St location as of next week.
The move will take place on Monday and Tuesday, May 13 and 14 next week and as such the service centre will close after this Friday, May 10 in Gillies St, and re-open on Wednesday May 15 in Mackay St.
The relocation of furniture, equipment and books, as well as the set up will take two days, and with the centre normally closed on a Monday, disruption will be limited to one day (Tuesday) with the newly refurbished Mackay St premises ready for operation as of next Wednesday.
Like much of the community infrastructure, the service centre and library were impacted by flooding and have been operating temporarily from Gillies St since the 2022 flood event, but staff are excited to be moving back home.
The new Mackay St location will offer two new private reading pods, similar to those at the Echuca Library. The new layout will also accommodate a larger library space and a meeting room with kitchenette that community members can book via the front desk.
Those requiring council services on Monday and Tuesday, May 13 and 14 are invited to attend other service centres in Echuca, Rushworth or Kyabram on those days, or can call Council on 1300 666 535 or visit the website, www.campaspe.vic.gov.au