MidCoast Council
Flood Evacuation Order for low lying areas of Bulahdelah
NSW SES is directing people within low-lying properties of Bulahdelah to evacuate the high danger area due to flooding.
The Myall River at Bulahdelah is likely to reach 3.80 metres around 04:00 am Saturday, with minor flooding.
Further rises are possible.
The areas affected by this Evacuation Order are:
• Myall Street
• Richmond Street (West of Alexandra Street)
• Stuart Street (West of Alexandra Street)
• Stroud Street (South of Stuart Street)
• Blanch Street (West of Crawford Street)
• Prince Street (South of Richmond Street)
• Jackson Street
• Alexandra Street (South of Stuart Street)
• Bulahdelah Showground
Why we are directing people to evacuate.
Once flood water begins inundating the area road access water, sewerage, power, phones and internet may be lost. If you remain in the area you will be trapped and it may be too dangerous for SES to rescue you.
This is an order to evacuate now. Wherever possible, people should go and stay with family or friends, or make other accommodation arrangements. If you are unable to, an evacuation centre has been set up at the following: Buladelah Central School 8 Meade Street (Church Street)
For all Flood Bulletins and Evacuation Orders head to the NSW SES website here https://www.ses.nsw.gov.au/
For emergency help in floods and storms, call the NSW State Emergency Service on 132 500. In life threatening situations call triple zero (000) immediately.
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