Seventh Annual Grow-NY Competition Now Open

Applications for the annual Grow-NY food and agriculture business competition are open to high-growth agrifood startups through May 15.

Grow-NY, now in its seventh year, leverages the research, development, education and business resources that drive innovation and economic development in the central New York, Finger Lakes and Southern Tier regions. Grow-NY has attracted applications from more than 1,800 businesses in 44 states and 95 countries since its inception in 2019.

"The Grow-NY accelerator has been instrumental in attracting cutting-edge agribusiness companies from around the world and spurring private investment in the three targeted regions," said Hope Knight, president, CEO and commissioner of Empire State Development. "The seventh round will build on the foundational success of previous competition winners, whose dynamic innovations and ideas are generating economic growth throughout upstate."

To date, 117 startups have participated as Grow-NY finalists, with 42 winners sharing $18 million in startup funding as well as mentorship and networking benefits.

Winners commit to positively impacting the Grow-NY region by forming strategic partnerships locally, creating jobs and contributing to a thriving upstate economy. Each year, seven finalists split a total of $3 million in funding, with a $1 million top prize, two $500,000 awards and four $250,000 awards. The competition is funded by Empire State Development through its Upstate Revitalization Initiative and administered by Cornell's Center for Regional Economic Advancement.

Benjamin Z. Houlton, the Ronald P. Lynch Dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, said the college is excited about the ongoing partnership.

"Cornell CALS is thrilled to continue our collaboration with Grow-NY, showcasing the crucial synergy between agriculture and economic development in our region and beyond," Houlton said. "As New York's land-grant institution, we are dedicated to nurturing innovation and disseminating knowledge that propels both agricultural progress and economic vitality. By championing forward-thinking entrepreneurs and sustainable practices, we strive to unlock new opportunities and fortify the economic resilience of our outstanding growers, producers and communities."

Last year, judges awarded the grand prize to Unibaio, a New York City-based startup offering products that enable pesticides and fertilizers to penetrate plants more effectively, increasing their effectiveness while reducing application doses. That year's Cornell-affiliated winners were UdderWays, For Bitter For Worse and Zordi.

"We're thrilled to see Grow-NY startups validated by their customers, industry leaders and investors," said Jenn Smith, Grow-NY program director. "We see spectacular outcomes when startups join in where upstate New York's agrifood, innovation and economic development communities converge, and we're looking forward to seeing what this year's application pool offers the competition."

In August, up to 20 finalists will be selected to enter a business development phase from September to November. Finalists will then pitch their ideas and business plans at the annual Grow-NY Food and Agriculture Summit, Nov. 12-13 in Canandaigua, New York.

Bridget Hagen is a marketing communications specialist for Cornell Research and Innovation.

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