STAY INFORMED City of Gold Coast – Severe Weather Warning as at 5:30pm, Sunday 31 December 2023 |
Warning level |
Warning area |
Gold Coast - citywide The Bureau of Meterology has advised there is a strong chance of heavy rainfall that could lead to flash flooding for early Monday. Three to six-hourly rainfall totals between 80 and 160 mm are possible, with isolated 24-hourly totals exceeding 200 mm possible, more likely about the ranges. People in these areas should STAY INFORMED as conditions could become dangerous. For storm help call the State Emergency Service on 132 500 or download the SES Assistance QLD app. |
Possible impacts |
- Flash flooding may occur in some areas
- Roads may be closed or become flooded
- Public transport may be impacted
- Very heavy rain may make it dangerous to drive
- Dangerous conditions on waterways and beaches
What you should do |
- Monitor conditions in the warning area in and around your home
- If you have a household emergency plan, refer to it now
- Decide what you will do if the situation changes and when you will do it
- Do not drive through or enter floodwater
- Tell family, friends, and neighbours
- Find out how to get ready for a flood at qfes.qld.gov.au/prepare/flooding
If you are camping or caravanning - Ask the campground manager whether the site floods
- Check water levels and warning updates through the day and night
- Be ready to move people, pets, camping gear and vehicles to higher ground if it starts to flood
Stay informed |
The next update will be sent when the situation changes |
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