Shelter WA Welcomes New Ministers, Urges Housing Action

Shelter WA

Western Australia's peak body for community housing and homelessness has congratulated the state's new ministers, emphasising their crucial role in tackling the housing crisis.

This week, the Cook Government unveiled its new cabinet including John Carey as Minister for Planning and Lands; Housing and Works and Health Infrastructure, while Matthew Swinbourn takes on the Homelessness portfolio.

Amber-Jade Sanderson has also been appointed as Minister for Energy and Decarbonisation, Tony Buti is Attorney General and Minister for Commerce, and Don Punch is Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Climate Resilience.

Shelter WA Chief Executive Kath Snell said she was encouraged by the appointments.

"I'd like to congratulate Minister Carey and express how thrilled we are that he retains the Housing portfolio, and that this has been expanded to include Housing works. We look forward to continuing to work with him on many more gains we can achieve together," Ms Snell said.

"I'd also like to congratulate the new cabinet members of the Cook Government on their appointments - most notably the new Minister for Homelessness and Community Services, Matthew Swinbourn.

"We also look forward to working with new Attorney General and Minister for Commerce Toni Buti, who will be responsible for progressing rental reforms; new Energy and Decarbonisation Minster Amber-Jade Sanderson, who we will work with to advocate for the adoption of energy efficiency retrofits across all rental housing in WA; and new Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Climate Resilience Don Punch who we will work with on our closing the housing gap and retrofits advocacy. These are crucial portfolios which can drive meaningful change in tackling the housing crisis.

"WA's housing crisis remains one of the state's greatest challenges. During its last term, the Cook Government took notable and important steps toward addressing this issue. These measures matter and are already making a difference - from billions of additional dollars to build new social housing and a huge boost in funding for homelessness services, to the Community Housing Capacity building program announced over the election period, which will be a gamechanger for our incredible non-profit housing sector.

"Our team, along with the broader housing and homelessness sector, looks forward to working closely with Ministers Carey, Swinbourn, Sanderson, Buti, Punch; along with the Premier, Treasurer and other policymakers committed to making progress in addressing the housing crisis. Shelter WA will continue to advocate for and collaborate with the government to deliver the key priorities outlined in our State Election Platform.

"It has never been more urgent to tackle the housing crisis and end homelessness. Every Western Australian deserves a safe, secure, healthy and affordable place to call home. I am encouraged and optimistic that the new Cook Government will continue to build on the progress they've made to make this a reality."

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