Shelters for Vulnerable Populations

Sunshine Coast Council

In an effort to keep residents and visitors safe, Sunshine Coast Council has opened Places Of Refuge for residents and visitors who have no other accommodation alternatives.

These are located at Nambour, Landsborough and Caloundra.

However, due to the danger caused by high winds during TC Alfred, and the need for people and animals to remain indoors, Nambour Showgrounds is the only location set up to take pets - which must be housed in their own crate - and livestock, which will be housed in stables onsite.

We encourage people to reach out to friends and family to pet-sit their furry friends prior to taking them to the Nambour site.

The community is also encouraged to stay with friends and family first, but if you need to stay at a Place of Refuge, please take only essential items, your pillow and blanket, as space is at a premium.

  • Nambour Showgrounds: Crossover via Coronation Ave: Animals can be housed at this location in crates, which must be supplied by the owner.
  • Caloundra Indoor Stadium: North Street, Caloundra.
  • Landsborough Sportsground: 15 Tunnel Ridge Road, Landsborough.

More locations across the Coast will be opened as needed.

You can keep up-to-date on Places Of Refuge locations at Sunshine Coast Council's Disaster Hub. Disaster Hub Sunshine Coast.

You can find a list of Noosa Shire's Places of Refuge on their Disaster Dashboard.

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