Greater Shepparton City Council has proudly led the upgrades of four community sites, including the Murchison and Toolamba Community Centres, the Tatura Ballantyne Centre and the joint Tatura Community House and Children's Centre, thanks to some recent sustainability funding.

The project, which received 50 per cent funding from Sustainability Victoria's Community Climate Change Energy Action Grant scheme, allowed Council to improve not only the quality, but the safety of each of these sites. The Community Climate Change and Energy Action program supports the Victorian Government's COVID-19 stimulus program response measures and Victoria's target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Upgrades to the Tatura Community House and Children's Centre included the purchase of a modern refrigerator, a significant improvement on the previous one which held no internal safe temperature gauge. Tatura Community House also benefitted from the removal of gas cooking appliances, with upgraded electric ovens and induction installed, as well as replacing the gas hot water pump with an electric heat pump.
Combined with Council's commitment to operate sites as sustainably as possible, the Tatura Community House and Children's Centre are also powered by 100 per cent renewable electricity through Council's Victorian Energy Collaboration (VECO) contract and the solar panel system installed on the centre's roof.
"This provides not only sustainable energy, but a valuable learning tool for sustainability," Council's Manager Environment, Sharon Terry, said.
"These recent upgrades, along with our existing VECO agreement, proves Council's commitment to reaching our 2030 Zero Emissions Target and improving the sustainability of our region for future generations."
Ms Terry said Toolamba residents would benefit from several upgrades to the Community Centre, including the installation of four split systems and a range of energy efficiency upgrades, including the replacement of cookware to an upgraded stovetop to provide better services for events and functions.
Tatura's Ballantyne Centre and Murchison Community Centre have also had split systems installed to improve the energy efficiency and effectively regulate the building's internal temperature.
"Each of these initiatives implemented through Sustainability Victoria's Community Climate Change Energy Action Grant scheme are helping Council take the next step towards achieving the actions in its Climate Emergency Action Plan," Ms Terry said.
"Every change we make is a positive step in the right direction."