Sherbrooke Armouries Project Launches This Spring

National Defence

Today, the Honourable Élisabeth Brière, Minister of Veteran Affairs and Minister Responsible for the Canada Revenue Agency, and Member of Parliament for Sherbrooke, on behalf of the Honourable Bill Blair, Minister of National Defence, announced the launch of the design phase for the Sherbrooke Armouries recapitalization project, an important step toward preserving the city's military heritage while providing modern facilities for our Reservists.

These armouries have held a special significance to the Sherbrooke community for generations. The Government of Canada is committed to preserving the historical value of the buildings in which they operate, while ensuring they meet operational needs of today's Reservists. Heritage consultants have been engaged in the process and the Department of National Defence (DND) continues to collaborate with the City of Sherbrooke on this transformation. While preserving the history and heritage of our Reserve units, the department is also providing Reservists in Sherbrooke with modern facilities that meet their long-term infrastructure needs.

This investment is part of Canada's renewed defence policy, Our North, Strong and Free, supporting the long-term growth of the Primary Reserve Force to 30,000 members. By modernizing these facilities, we are strengthening our Reserve Force, safeguarding our military history, and ensuring Sherbrooke's Reservists have the infrastructure they need for years to come.

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