SHIFT, Thales Team Up for eSIM in Eco-Friendly Phones

  • SHIFT, the German pioneer in sustainable and ethical handset manufacturing, has partnered with Thales, a global leader in advanced technologies, to integrate Thales's eSIM technology for SHIFT's next-generation smartphones.
  • SHIFT's smartphones are becoming eSIM-enabled with Thales's innovative solution that bridges the gap between a conventional SIM card and cutting-edge eSIM functionality: the eSIM being provided in a physical SIM format.
  • To further support SHIFT's sustainability efforts, this innovative form factor for eSIMs is delivered with 100% recycled material, the Thales's EcoSIM,made from recycled plastic sourced from discarded refrigerators, reducing the environmental impact and supporting a circular economy.


SHIFT's modular smartphones, known for their easy repairability and eco-conscious design, will now support eSIM functionality through Thales's physical eSIM format solution. Unlike traditional eSIMs, which are soldered into the device, the Thales solution comes in a pluggable format, offering unparalleled flexibility, enabling the secure

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