The Security Industry Authority (SIA) today (17 March 2025) welcomed the publication of the Home Office public body review of the regulator.
Public body reviews provide an opportunity for government departments to ensure they are satisfied that an arm's length body such as the SIA is operating with a clear purpose using an appropriate delivery model.
In a joint statement issued today, Heather Baily, Chair of the SIA, and Michelle Russell, Chief Executive of the SIA, said:
We welcome the publication of this review of the SIA and of the regulatory regime for private security. The SIA embraced the review with a collaborative, open, and transparent approach. We are pleased the review provides the necessary assurance to ministers and the public that the SIA is a well-run organisation doing good work.
The focus of this review was efficiency, and the review confirms the SIA has challenged itself to increase efficiency to contain the cost of its operations.
The review also confirms the SIA is best placed in its current form to deliver the licensing of regulated security roles and the regulation of private security.
We are particularly pleased that the review acknowledges the work licensed security operatives do to protect the UK. The review encourages them to "continue to work with the SIA as an expert and authoritative regulator that is punching above its weight to encourage the highest standards in the profession.
We seek and continue to benefit from the support and co-operation of those working in the private security industry and our many partners to provide effective regulation and pursue robustly those who choose not to comply.
We will work with the Home Office and the devolved governments to implement the recommendations of this review.
The Home Office conducted the review between August 2023 and March 2024.
Download and read the full review here: Security Industry Authority: Public Body Review 2025 - GOV.UK .