A multi-jurisdictional policing effort has led to the seizure of more than 6.5kg of Methylamphetamine and over $1.65 million cash in Port Augusta West, South Australia.
Acting on information provided by WA Police Force regarding the suspicious movements of a truck that had left Western Australia and entered South Australia, police from Port Augusta stopped and searched the truck on Eyre Highway in the early hours of Friday 11 December 2020.
The truck driver, a 31-year-old man from Queensland, was arrested and charged with trafficking a large commercial quantity of a controlled drug and unlawful possession. He was refused bail.
South Australia Police have since worked with Queensland Police, seizing more items of interest.
A WA Police Force spokesperson said state and territory boundaries are no barrier to intelligence sharing and joint investigations.
"Law enforcement and intelligence partners across Australia are working together to identify and dismantle serious and organised crime groups operating in Australia. Our strong partnerships are delivering outstanding results for the community.
"Criminal syndicates are constantly trying to find new ways to conceal their drugs and cash during transit, however we continue to adapt to their new methodologies and use our intelligence holdings and the latest technologies to identify and seize their illicit cargo.
"In this instance, we were able to work with South Australia Police to monitor the truck's movements and strike when the time was right."
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