Silver Coin For CERN

Drawing of a silver coin

On 13 March 2025, Swissmint issued a special "CERN" coin symbolising Swiss and global innovation.

Swissmint is the company mandated by the Swiss Confederation to mint Switzerland's standard coins, the ones you use for everyday payments. It also produces special-edition coins to mark important historical and cultural events or to honour eminent Swiss personalities or organisations.

The special, limited-edition CERN coin is made of silver and weighs 20 grams. A particle collision is depicted on the "heads" side (known as "obverse" in numismatic jargon), while the "tails" (or "reverse") side depicts the cross-section of an LHC magnet.

The coin is worth 20 Swiss francs and is on sale on Swissmint's website.

A luxury "burnished flan" version will be presented at the International Coin Fair in Bern in mid-May and will then go on sale in a display box at the CERN shop.

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