Silverdome Redevelopment Progressing

Tasmanian Government

The redevelopment of the Launceston Silverdome has taken another step forward with the request for tender released today.

The Tasmanian Government has advertised for a Lead Architect, Design Team tender and a Project Manager for the redevelopment.

Minister for Sports and Events, Nick Duigan, said the project was moving ahead following the Government's increased investment of $12 million.

"It is great to see things progressing on this important redevelopment that will take the Silverdome to the next level," Minister Duigan said.

The upgrades will enable the Silverdome to deliver an even greater fan experience and host more cultural, community, and live entertainment events.

"These upgrades mean more seating, better accessibility, new replay screens, a new floor system, better food and beverage options, and better elite and community changerooms," Minister Duigan said.

"An even better Silverdome secures JackJumpers games in the North into the future and will drive growth in Northern Tasmania, through more jobs in construction, more cultural and corporate events.

"As part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future, the Tasmanian Government is committing record investment in infrastructure across the State, including significant funding for the building and improvement of new and existing sporting facilities, for both community and elite sporting groups."

Quotes attributable to Stadiums Tasmania CEO James Avery:

"This development will make a significant difference to the northern Tasmanian sports and events community," Mr Avery said.

"It will result in securing the future of existing sporting and entertainment events that have become a mainstay on the Launceston calendar and gives Stadiums Tasmania the ability to seek new and exciting opportunities."

Tenders are accessible via the website and proponents are encouraged to review the documentation and submit a formal response in order to be involved in next steps in the process.

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