Simple Step to Aid Wildlife in Severe Weather

International Fund for Animal Welfare

The extreme weather forecast for this week means there is an increased chance of finding a sick, injured or orphaned native animal.

A YouGov poll revealed more than 80% of Australians are willing to stop and help injured wildlife, however only about half of us2 know who to contact for assistance. IFAW offers a simple solution.

"If you find an injured native animal that needs help, the free IFAW Wildlife Rescue App will put you in touch with your nearest wildlife rescue organisation who will guide you to the best action to take," IFAW Animal Rescue Officer Robert Leach said.

"The IFAW app empowers everyday people to protect our wildlife by helping injured animals receive the immediate treatment they need for the best chances of survival, and to be released back into the wild."

The free IFAW Wildlife Rescue App can be

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