Sincere Condolences

Eindhoven University of Technology

With deep sorrow and sadness, we have learned of the passing of our 23-year-old student, Devesh Bapat. Devesh was a caring, dedicated, and engaged student who was in the process of completing his bachelor's degree in Applied Physics. This unexpected loss has deeply affected us, and our thoughts and condolences go out to Devesh's family, friends, and acquaintances. We wish everyone much strength, support, and love during this difficult time.

We remember Devesh as a calm and bright young man. He had a sharp mind, an interest in intellectual topics, and a good sense of humor. As a child, he was curious and also an avid reader. He will be missed by many.

A condolence register will be made available in the Flux building as soon as possible, where everyone can leave a personal message.

We can fully understand that this loss brings up emotions for many and that there is a need for support. Students can initially turn to their academic advisor for help. Staff members can contact their supervisor or HR advisor. If you would like to speak to a confidential counselor, our staff at the Integrity and Social Safety Desk are available.

Once again, we wish everyone much strength in coping with this unimaginable loss.

The Executive Board

The Faculty Board of Applied Physics and Science Education

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