Sir John Oldham to Lead NHS Future Revamp

UK Gov

Sir John Oldham is a GP by background and has very significant experience in the sphere of primary care, change management, and leading improvement programmes

Sir John Oldham brings extensive experience of working in the health sector and will work on emerging policy to support the government on its ambition to deliver more care in the community.

  • Sir John Oldham has accepted a direct ministerial appointment to the Department of Health and Social Care.
  • Sir John will work closely with Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Wes Streeting, to transform the health and care system and move to a Neighbourhood Health Service.

Lord Darzi's 2024 independent investigation of the NHS highlighted the urgent need to transform the health and care system and move to a Neighbourhood Health Service that delivers co-ordinated care closer to home, to create healthier communities, spot problems earlier, and support people to stay healthier and maintain their independence for longer.

Sir John is a GP by background and has very significant experience in the sphere of primary care, change management, and leading improvement programmes. He was National Clinical Lead for Quality and Productivity at the Department of Health from 2010-2013. This role has had responsibility for large scale change in the delivery of services to patients with long term conditions and redesigning the urgent care system. He has been a member of the Care Quality Commission and Chair of the Commission on Whole Person Care amongst other roles.

The appointment is a paid role, which began on 2 December 2024 for a 12-month period. It is not a Civil Service appointment.

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