Sisterly Volunteer Named Blacktown City's Woman Of Year

Blacktown City Mayor Brad Bunting with Blacktown City Woman of the Year Melissa Katoa, McMahon MP Chris Bowen and Cr Julie Griffiths AM.jpeg

An Oakhurst nurse who volunteers her expertise to help single mothers and domestic violence victims has been named Blacktown City Woman of the Year.

Melissa Katoa assists women to live independently through her efforts with the Relief Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and was recognised at Blacktown City Council's International Women's Day Breakfast at Bowman Hall on Friday.

Melissa uses her professional knowledge and life experience to support women and families in need, particularly in the Pacific Islander community.

Blacktown City Mayor Brad Bunting was pleased to congratulate a selfless achiever.

"Melissa is incredibly dedicated to helping less fortunate women realise the theme of our International Women's Day event - March Forward," he said.

"Council's International Women's Day Breakfast is one way we are highlighting successful, community-minded women to inspire others and show women and girls how we can achieve progress."

The Hon Michelle Rowland, Minister for Communications and Federal Member for Greenway, and Councillor Julie Griffiths AM, Chair of Blacktown City Council's Women's Advisory Committee, also addressed the audience and encouraged women to chase their dreams.

Councils' Staff Woman of the Year award was shared by Acting Community Development Officer Melissa Boceski and Manager Asset Design Keysha Milenkovic.

Melissa is enthusiastic about working with the community and regularly seeks professional development so she can achieve more. She has made significant contributions to Council's International Women's Day events, domestic violence campaigns, and youth and women's forums.

Keysha's leadership has produced a highly productive team. She has helped women move into leadership roles by mentoring and encouraging them to build their skills in fields such as engineering.

Council has celebrated its Women of the Year awards since 2008 as part of a wide-ranging program to encourage women and girls to achieve their dreams.

This includes working closely with social services groups to ensure safety and support, ongoing consultation with the Women's Advisory Committee, and the annual Women's Forum.

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