Another five fire-damaged bridges are on the road to replacement after East Gippsland Shire Council awarded contracts at the March 3 Council meeting.
A sixth bridge in a remote area outside Genoa, load limited and showing signs of wear, will also be replaced to take advantage of the economic benefit of undertaking this work at the same time as other fire recovery work in the area.
Contracts were awarded for bridges at Sunny Point Road, Buchan; Upper Wingan Road, Karlo Creek;
Sandy Creek Road, Tabberabbera; Yalmy Road, Jarrahmond; Harrisons Creek on Fairhaven Road, Genoa; and Little River Bridge, Genoa.
Jarvis Norwood Constructions was awarded the contracts for Sunny Point Road ($576,675), Sandy Creek Road ($264,610) and Yalmy Road ($375,270).
Tambo Constructions was awarded the contracts for Upper Wingan Road ($330,410), Harrisons Creek on Fairhaven Road ($304,259), and Little River Bridge ($323,065).
Start dates will be negotiated with the successful tenderers.
Mayor Cr John White said it was pleasing to see local businesses supporting Council's rebuilding efforts.
"We are working to rebuild damaged infrastructure as quickly as possible to help our communities in their recovery," Cr White said.